Thursday, February 16, 2012


(If you're into political stuff, then this movie is for you!)

So a friend let me borrow this movie one day, and I was uninterested in watching it, because of the cover. I know I shouldn't judge anything by 'its cover' but shootings, and corruption wasn't very appealing at the time. Nevertheless, I decided to watch it and hoped for the best, needless to say, I was profoundly affected by this particular film! There are very few films that leave an impression on me, and this was one of them. I was amazed at the simplicity of it, yet at the same time, the extreme complexity of it; complete dualism. From a lack of a better word, this film will leave you completely mind-fudged, and questioning the legitimacy of government and everything around you. Now this doesn't mean that you will instantly become an anarchist and start fires in public buildings, but it merely raises an acute paranoia and skepticism about how things are run and done. This film is classified as a political-thriller, and imho rightfully owns its genre. This film also features interesting camera angles, 2D animation, and interesting stories that are intertwined throughout the plot. So my only recommendation is that you please watch it, because it will raise many moral and complex questions in you, and will totally blow your accept the challenge and watch it! 

Peace & Giggles, 

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