(Posting about the most obvious things...thank you Captain Obvious!)
My tolerance level for being able to "take" certain types of Facebook posts is dropping significantly. I've had my Facebook for a while, and until recently, I've actually liked messaging friends and 'liking' posts and comments that I felt were relatable or interesting. Yet, Facebook has also become a place were we can also unload our 'mental diarrhea' (I know, sounds gross!) and just post things that have the least benefit, significance, or appropriate level for posting in public! What's wrong with us? Why does every freaking detail of our lives have to be public? Of course we should have the proper judgement on what and what not to post...but it seems that at times we lack the proper 'filter' to do that. I've always been super paranoid by the fact that most employers can actually check content on your FB, and other pages. I understand that FB is a 'public' thing, and that some people shouldn't be regulating what one posts, because of the exercising of "freedom of speech"but damn, let's just say that some things that I see on my newsfeed shouldn't even be there! Why air out the dirty laundry on FB for all to see? Do we not have any decency or self-respect anymore? I know I sound like an 89 year old prudish golden-ager, but I don't know how else to say it anymore. Anyway, I'm trying really hard to keep and open-mind, while also using that amazing feature of removing stuff from my newsfeed! :D Also, I'm thinking about cutting back on my FB time (because it sure is addicting) and do more 'live socializing' because after all, we all need improvement on our people skills! :D
Peace & Smarts
Really powerful blog Cynthia. I agree and Im glad you are putting it out there. Frankly, it is pretty annoying when people do that. :)