Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feliz Navidad to Everyone & Happy Holidays to the Non-Christians

(Unlike this guy, my Spanish comes from my parents)

    So today was Christmas.  My family, and I officially start celebrating Christmas since a week before due to the extensive preparation of food.  What kind of food takes a week long of preparation, you might ask? Tamales, mole and all those delicious and high caloric foods your innocent little minds could dream of.  Christmas is a time for giving, and it's also a time to abandon your Weight Watcher's diet, in order to taste those amazing platillos your grandmother has been simmering in the wee hours of the morning.  You know you're not done eating until you have tasted everything on the table.  Why feel guilty?  Like my grandmother always says "una vez al año, no hace daño" which translates to "once a year, doesn't hurt."  But if you're Mexican, you know that the former is not really the case, because  those gut-busting occasions occur more than once a year.  In the end, food and family are the best part of celebrating Christmas, as well as praying the rosary with your abuelita for the birth of baby Jesus.  I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.  One question remains though, 45 degrees with clear blue skies on December 25?  What's wrong with Chicago?!!!  Either global warming, or we're getting ready for another Snowpocalypse.  Either reason, snow seems to make Christmas legit.  I'm dreaming of a white Christmas in my head...  

Peace & Giggles, 

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