Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's been a long time...

Frozen Lake Michigan!

It's been a long time since I've sat down and written a blog, so YAY! Happy New Year! New year, new you right? Anyway, today my friend and I decided that we would go to school super early, and get ahead on some reading assignments, however the CTA had other plans! Dun Dun Dun *ominous creepy music plays suddenly* the pink line came to a complete stop and we were stuck on the train for about 30 minutes plus! This went on for several more minutes and on various train routes, needless to say, everyone and I mean EVERYONE was late and had to get a customer delay slip. Now, I'm not sure if CTA customer delay slips are taken seriously anymore, since the CTA is always having issues with running on schedule. One might think that a person had rational capability to discern that CTA trains are usually delayed and should allow extra travel time, but alas we cannot control these types of technical/mechanical situations. Maybe this is an annoying way for the universe to show us that we have to stop and smell the roses, or accept the fact that we are merely human and fallible. 

Happy New Year! 

Peace & Giggles, 

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