Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's been a long time...

Frozen Lake Michigan!

It's been a long time since I've sat down and written a blog, so YAY! Happy New Year! New year, new you right? Anyway, today my friend and I decided that we would go to school super early, and get ahead on some reading assignments, however the CTA had other plans! Dun Dun Dun *ominous creepy music plays suddenly* the pink line came to a complete stop and we were stuck on the train for about 30 minutes plus! This went on for several more minutes and on various train routes, needless to say, everyone and I mean EVERYONE was late and had to get a customer delay slip. Now, I'm not sure if CTA customer delay slips are taken seriously anymore, since the CTA is always having issues with running on schedule. One might think that a person had rational capability to discern that CTA trains are usually delayed and should allow extra travel time, but alas we cannot control these types of technical/mechanical situations. Maybe this is an annoying way for the universe to show us that we have to stop and smell the roses, or accept the fact that we are merely human and fallible. 

Happy New Year! 

Peace & Giggles, 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A new quarter, a new beginning!

I'm excited! I'm super excited for starting a new quarter, with new classes, new faces, and most of all for getting to have a fresh start all over again. Last quarter was an amazing quarter, in the sense that I got to learn a lot about myself and the new friends I've acquired. However, soul-searching wasn't enough to keep my winter quarter from becoming a tedious routine. Work, school, house, and the cycle was only bound to be repeated. I blame that 'routine' feel to the fact that I wasn't really involved in much at school to distract me from the usual life of academia. Therefore, this spring quarter I'm determined to make the most out of this last quarter before school is out for the summer.
Since the beginning of this new quarter I've told myself that I'm going to volunteer more, become involved in my community, become part of a student board organization and enjoy all of my classes. Clearly then, shifting my perspective has helped me immensely to view everything in a more positive light, regardless of what it might be. I've learned that only I have the real power to change the way I think, and view things. As well as, how others percieve me, which believe it or not, is very important.
Throughout my experiences in college so far, I've learned the many qualities, good and bad, that are part of me. And in light of turning a new leaf (or school quarter) I am determined to further develop my good qualities, and curb or abolish my bad qualities. Because in the end, all I really want to be is the best ME I can be, in regards to every realm and dimension  in my life.
Therefore, what will your goal be for this new quarter? And what are your plans to achieve it?
P.S. - As you can tell, I'm no English another goal for this quarter is to write more blogs, and hone in on my writing skills! :p
Peace & Smarties

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Annoyed -_________-

(Posting about the most obvious things...thank you Captain Obvious!)

My tolerance level for being able to "take" certain types of Facebook posts is dropping significantly. I've had my Facebook for a while, and until recently, I've actually liked messaging friends and 'liking' posts and comments that I felt were relatable or interesting. Yet, Facebook has also become a place were we can also unload our 'mental diarrhea' (I know, sounds gross!) and just post things that have the least benefit, significance, or appropriate level for  posting in public! What's wrong with us? Why does every freaking detail of our lives have to be public? Of course we should have the proper judgement on what and what not to post...but it seems that at times we lack the proper 'filter' to do that. I've always been super paranoid by the fact that most employers can actually check content on your FB, and other pages. I understand that FB is a 'public' thing, and that some people shouldn't be regulating what one posts, because of the exercising of "freedom of speech"but damn, let's just say that some things that I see on my newsfeed shouldn't even be there! Why air out the dirty laundry on FB for all to see? Do we not have any decency or self-respect anymore? I know I sound like an 89 year old prudish golden-ager, but I don't know how else to say it anymore. Anyway, I'm trying really hard to keep and open-mind, while also using that amazing feature of removing stuff from my newsfeed! :D Also, I'm thinking about cutting back on my FB time (because it sure is addicting) and do more 'live socializing' because after all, we all need improvement on our people skills! :D

Peace & Smarts 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

CTA public transportation: Exploring the Dynamics of Chicago's Segregation Problem

Do you feel safe on the CTA buses and trains? Yes and no. I remember that I started to take public transportation when I started my first year of college, and it was an initially scary and confusing experience. CTA trains or the 'EL' in Chicago are divided by colors; red, brown, pink, orange, blue, yellow, purple and green. All those routes go to different parts of the city, and to Metra stations that go into the suburbs. Moreover, it's sad, but true that Chicago is one of the most segregated cities in the nation, and this can be seen by the type of train you take. For example, if you live in the southwest side of Chicago, which is a predominantly Latin@ neighborhood; you take the pink line. If you live on the north side, you take the purple line, brown and red lines, whose passengers are mainly composed of middle to upper class adults, young professionals, and students. If you take the orange line, you most likely live by Midway Airport, and its passengers mainly constitute a mix of Latin@s, Caucasians, and others. So far, the orange line has been the most diverse train route in my eyes. Furthermore, if you take the green line,  you will mostly see that the majority of passengers are African American. Each train route has two destinations, which can take you to completely different neighborhood. For example, if you take the red line in the opposite direction, you'll probably end up in China Town. Clearly then, observing passengers board various different routes, can directly show you how segregated Chicago really is. And another important note to make is that according to the demographics of each train route, different ammeneties and methods of security will be available. So next time you ride the 'EL' pay closer attention to everything that surrounds you and surely you will see what I'm talking about.
Peace & Smarts,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Experiences of an Amateur Foodista

(Foodie = food junkie, hence the ie :p)

I love food. And as I get older, my palette becomes more sophisticated...depending on my wallet.  As a college student on a budget, Lord knows that trying out different foods can take you places! And one of those awesome places happens to be, Thai Bowl. Yes, Thai Bowl! One of those hole in the wall places on Lincoln Avenue, and on Taylor Street by the UIC campus. I love their simple, yet comforting a grandma pumping out chocolate chip cookies in the oven. Yet, their 'simple' noodle based dishes are filled with tasty spices and flavors. But one of my favorite things about this place is that you won't leave bloated and on the verge of vomiting. You'll most likely leave happily satisfied and with a few more dollars, in your pocket, than originally expected.

When I come here I usually get the same thing, Pad Thai with chicken or tofu. And the only reason why I play it safe, is because I have extreme 'food disappointment' to the point were I won't give a restaurant a second chance. But alas, being a true foodie or foodista means being adventurous, so I try. Now, that doesn't mean that I'll be eating turtle eggs, or 'bull fries' anytime soon...but bring out the fried pickles!
Nevertheless, until I can travel to all these foodie dream lands, eating in great restaurants should suffice.

Unleash the foodie in you!
What are you favorite places to eat? What are your favorite foods?

Peace & Giggles,

Friday, February 24, 2012

A kick in the pants, every now and then

(This is me) 

Hello my name is Zodiak and I'm a procrastinator. I guess acknowledging that you are a procrastinator is the first step towards a successful 12 step system for recovery. But why do I keep doing this to myself? Why leave things for the last minute? I always get this sick idea that if I end up doing a paper at the last minute, I will write the best paper in my life...and get an A or something. But alas, do I ever learn that procrastinating brings me incredible amounts of pressure, stress and the occasional zit? Yes and no. I never really was the person to make outlines for papers, or get a head start; I guess I suffer from chronic procrastination :( However, a part of growing up is learning how to have better time management, and learn how to control habits and vices. Therefore, in my case, I will try to remember how procrastinating has caused me a great deal of stress, and force myself to start my papers early so that I don't have to go through the process of self-torture again. So if you're procrastinating right now, because you're reading this blog...get moving and finish whatever it is you were doing! :) 

Peace & Giggles,

Thursday, February 16, 2012


(If you're into political stuff, then this movie is for you!)

So a friend let me borrow this movie one day, and I was uninterested in watching it, because of the cover. I know I shouldn't judge anything by 'its cover' but shootings, and corruption wasn't very appealing at the time. Nevertheless, I decided to watch it and hoped for the best, needless to say, I was profoundly affected by this particular film! There are very few films that leave an impression on me, and this was one of them. I was amazed at the simplicity of it, yet at the same time, the extreme complexity of it; complete dualism. From a lack of a better word, this film will leave you completely mind-fudged, and questioning the legitimacy of government and everything around you. Now this doesn't mean that you will instantly become an anarchist and start fires in public buildings, but it merely raises an acute paranoia and skepticism about how things are run and done. This film is classified as a political-thriller, and imho rightfully owns its genre. This film also features interesting camera angles, 2D animation, and interesting stories that are intertwined throughout the plot. So my only recommendation is that you please watch it, because it will raise many moral and complex questions in you, and will totally blow your accept the challenge and watch it! 

Peace & Giggles, 